Harriet Tubman National Historic Park

Auburn, New York

Site of Harriet Tubman’s Home for the Aged.

William Seward was the 12th Governor of New York and a U.S. Senator.  As the leading radical, anti-slavery politician in the country in the 1850s, he and wife Frances hid slaves in their home and after the war provided Harriet Tubman and her parents a home.   

Near the William Seward home is Tubman’s Home for the Aged.  With the assistance of a local Baptist church, the home opened in 1908.  The Park includes the Thompson Memorial African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church that Tubman raised funds to build, a new visitors center, the Tubman Home for the Aged, and her residence.

In Niagara Falls is the Underground Railroad Heritage Center, located in the 1863 U.S. Customs House, overlooks the former location of the International Suspension bridge, a point of crossing for many freedom seekers including Harriet Tubman.  In Buffalo is the Colored Musicians Club – the only continuously running, all-Black-owned music venue in the United States.

Black and white photo of eight African American people of varying ages

Left to right: Harriet Tubman; Gertie Davis [Tubman’s adopted daughter]; Nelson Davis [Tubman’s husband]; Lee Cheney; “Pop” Alexander; Walter Green; Sarah Parker [“Blind Auntie” Parker] and Dora Stewart [granddaughter of Tubman’s brother, John Stewart].


African Burial Ground National Monument


Villa Lewaro - Madam C.J. Walker Estate